



CoolSculpting (cryolipolysis) is the latest technique for efficient fat removal – and it requires no incisions. CoolSculpting澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 完全非手术性的. An applicator wand is placed over the skin to safely freeze the underlying fat cells, 几周内就能看到明显的效果. 没有大惊小怪,没有停机时间-只是真实的结果. 

Patients must be at least 18 years of age to receive CoolSculpting treatments at 唐纳森.


  • “I hate my love handles, but I don’t want to go under knife…”
  • “I’ve always had a pooch on my belly – I wish it would magically disappear.”
  • “I’m OK with my body, but I wouldn’t mind being just a little bit thinner right HERE.”

These are actual quotes from patients who have met with us for their first CoolSculpting procedure. These patients were also ALL satisfied after their treatments! 局部减脂不能通过运动来实现. However, with CoolSculpting, you can now pinpoint exactly where you’d like to trim down and shape up.



Absolutely – we have helped hundreds of patients experience incredible results from their CoolSculpting treatments. For a patient who wants the most thorough, most dramatic contouring result, we still prefer surgical 抽脂术; however, there are many patients who don’t want to undertake surgery no matter what. 这些澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台通常是最好的Coolsculpting候选人. 结果更加微妙, 而且它可能需要多次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网而不是一次, 但它是一种安全有效的替代品.


The idea of freezing fat cells to destroy them developed when doctors noticed smaller cheeks in kids who ate numerous popsicles. Harvard physicians then worked for a decade to determine how exactly the larger areas of fat on adults could be safely frozen. This research led to Coolsculpting, which has now helped millions of patients around the world.


最受欢迎的部位是腹部和侧翼, or love handles — these areas respond very well to treatment. Other common sites include the inner and outer thighs, the upper arms and under the chin. 任何脂肪隆起都是可以澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的.



CoolSculpting is mostly effective on stubborn areas of fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise. Unfortunately, not every person is a candidate for these treatments. 教育是我们的核心, and we will work with you to determine if you are a good candidate for CoolTone, 你可以期待什么样的结果, or if there is a treatment option better suited to address your concerns.


Immediately after treatment, the overlying skin is red and numb. It may take several days for the color and feeling to return to normal, and patients notice tingling and sometimes a slight burning sensation as the nerves re-warm. Fewer than 5% of patients experience a more intense burning sensation, 这可以通过3天的药物澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 最初几天肿胀是很常见的, and often treated with Spanx® compression and a combination of heat packs and cool packs. There is no limitation on patient activity during this recovery period.


Patients return to the office for a follow-up eight weeks later. This is how much time it takes for all of the injured fat cells to be swept away by the body, 结果是可以完全看到的. 访问期间, the patient can decide whether to pursue another treatment or to simply enjoy the results!


Coolsculpting is priced by the size of the treatment area and the amount of time that is necessary to freeze the cells in that area. Significant savings are possible since anesthesia and OR’s are not used.


Patients who are looking for fat reduction may choose CoolSculpting, 而那些想要更好的肌肉轮廓的人可能会选择 CoolTone. However, there is a major benefit to using the two treatment systems together!

CoolSculpting and CoolTone are two sides of the same coin; they work in tandem to help transform your physique. 一般来说,首先澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网脂肪,然后是肌肉. CoolSculpting patients are usually ideal candidates for CoolTone because they’ve already seen a reduction in their fat layer, meaning that the CoolTone device can penetrate deeper into the muscular tissue beneath. People who are close to their fitness goals are better candidates for CoolTone than CoolSculpting.


CoolSculpting is popular in the cooler months because it is a great way to prep for the following summer! It’s best to start your CoolSculpting treatments in the fall or winter because it takes time to see your results. 平均, 结果大约需要2个月才能显现, so starting early in the fall will allow you more time for repeat cycles if they are needed.


Our CoolSculpting specialist first meets each patient in consultation to determine whether they are a candidate for Coolsculpting. 通常情况下,澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网会在几天后安排. But if the Coolsculpting device is not being used at the same time, it may be possible to provide the treatment immediately afterward — you could leave the office an hour later with less fat!
