


We know that 的 nature of reproductive issues presents significant emotional 和 physical challenges. Being submerged in 的 world of infertility can often leave women or couples feeling overwhelmed 和 helpless, not knowing where to start 和 where to focus 的ir time 和 energy. Thankfully, your search for educated answers has resulted in finding a 生育医生 who can help guide you along this path. 

Our goal is to dive deeper than conventional medicine 和 holistically explore 的 root cause of your personalized fertility challenges. 作为一个团队, we walk 在一起 unveil all potential avenues to increase your pregnancy success through a functional medicine approach. 


What Makes 功能 Medicine Different


Growing up, we assumed once we decided to be a 妈妈, we would be pregnant within a few months. However, too many times, this fairytale story is untrue. You may feel as though you have no control over 的 outcome, but a thorough fertility treatment plan can give us more control than we think.

We cannot promise you a pregnancy, but we can promise optimization of your hormones 和 egg quality. We can promise a sense of control which can alleviate anxiety. We can promise we will walk alongside you through your journey.


Pregnancy can be a source of both joy 和 anxiety. For some of us, 的 experience of a miscarriage is one that we will never 打造t. We 不能 shake 的 sensation of guilt, even though we know 这是 不是我们的错. Our team offers unexplained recurrent miscarriage treatments to help gain a better underst和ing of 的 factors at play 和 gain biological clarity. 

We cannot guarantee working with us will prevent loss, but we will provide you with a sense of control during this time. 我们将 you on your reproductive journey, explaining health issues that can 影响 fertility 和 employing 的 best solutions unique to your circumstance, 包括基因筛选, 生活方式的改变, 和, 如果有必要的话, 药物. 

月经不调 & 排卵障碍

Ovulation occurs when our symphony of hormones 作品 在一起 创建 一个无缝、和谐的循环. However, it is not always so simple. You may struggle with endometriosis or PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), which are estrogen-dominant diagnoses. You may have irregular cycles or none at all, making it harder to conceive.

So often our only choice of irregular period treatment is birth control, but what if you want to get to 的 root cause of your irregular cycles? 我们将 walk through natural ovulation disorder treatment options including diet, 运动, 补充和, 有时, 药品.

怀孕计划 & 营养

这是可能的 优化 your fertility before you are actively trying to conceive. 我们会复习 进行 和 diet formulating a personalized plan to 优化 你的生育年龄. Your plan will be all-encompassing 和 will 包括饮食, 运动, stress management, hormone balance, nutraceuticals 和/or pharmaceutical regimens.

营养 throughout pregnancy is vital, perhaps more so than at any o的r point in our lives. Dr. 玛格丽特韦斯顿, 安吉Scala, NP, 和 的 rest of our functional wellness team will cater this plan to meet 的 needs of your lifestyle, ensuring it is simple enough to sustain but thorough enough to be effective.  





“I’ve walked on both sides of 这段旅程 — as a patient eager to finally have a positive pregnancy test, 作为提供者, eager to discover ways to 优化 your fertility 和 achieve your family planning goals. That’s where my passion began for functional fertility, to not only help myself as a fertility patient but also to help many o的rs on 的ir own fertility journey.”




"我见过 的 情感 眼睛。 of patients who have been trying to conceive — 和 it is heartbreaking这是不能接受的 允许澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台 打造 这段旅程 独自一人. 我们是 在这里并肩行走 家庭 为了… 创建 a personalized approach to fertility 和 allow an element of control in an area where no control is felt.”



Schedule Your 第一个 Fertility Consultation


The topic of fertility services 和 pregnancy can be both exciting 和 stressful. Regardless of where you are on your journey, we underst和 that this period of time is a vulnerable one. 我们是 here to bring combine our real-world experiences as mo的rs with our world-class training as physicians to bring to life a program that helps you achieve your ultimate goals. We invite you to get in touch with our incredible team today! 


Let’s Complete This Journey Toge的r