Your Surgical Experience: 会发生什么 & 从哪里开始

我们的目标是帮助你成为最好的自己,并让你了解每一步. 我们希望让您放心,并帮助您的旅程尽可能轻松-在为您选择合适的整容医生时,感到舒适和自信是必不可少的. 


We perform all different kinds of 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, but every surgical patient’s journey starts the exact same way!

Connecting with us is the first step

研究是必要的, 无论你是想知道你所有的选择还是你确切地知道你正在寻找的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方案! At 唐纳森 Plastic Surgery, we believe in educating our patients, so they can feel comfortable and confident during their whole journey with us. We provide information about surgeries, 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, treatments and recovery all here on our website, so take a look around to learn more!


Any of our team members can go over more information with you, 回答你的问题, and find a time that works for you to get you scheduled for your 虚拟咨询!

Give us a call at (614)-442-7610 or leave us a message through our website and one of our team members will reach out to you with more information!


Your Virtual Consultation

你和你的手术团队的第一次接触发生在你和我们面对面之前. 从 虚拟咨询, 我们的外科医生可以查看您的在线准备材料,为您的预约做准备, and you get all of your preliminary questions answered!

How To Prepare For Your Virtual Consultation

All online prep 材料 are completed on our HIPAA compliant patient portal, myTouchMD. 我们会通过电子邮件发送详细说明和示例,让您在预约前完成您的材料,从而使您的过程尽可能简单. 我们会让你提交你想和医生讨论的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网区域的照片,以及外科医生审查的完整文件. 他们会花时间在照片上做标记,以便在咨询过程中使用有用的视觉辅助工具, 所以你可以看到像切口线这样的东西以及手术是如何进行的.

What Your One-On-One Consultation Looks Like

虚拟咨询是当你最终得到你一直在等待的所有信息! 通过视频聊天, you’ll get to hear the surgeon’s treatment plan, learn about all of the details from pre- to post-op, and get your questions answered.

Not only will the consultation cover everything on the surgical side, but you will also learn about the logistics of having plastic surgery. Our surgical coordinators will give you an exact quote for the surgical plan, go over financing options, and chat about the scheduling.

只要你准备好了, 我们的手术协调人会帮你正式安排手术!

Preparing for Your Surgery

我们在手术前有几个接触点,以确保我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台对他们的计划感到舒适和自信. 我们想确保你确切地知道从术前到术后护理的所有事情.

The In-Office Consultation

在您的虚拟咨询之后,我们会为您安排您的办公室咨询. This is the time when you will meet with your surgeon in person, finalize the details of the surgery, and ensure everyone is comfortable to move forward with your treatment plan.

这是一个很好的时间来问你的外科医生额外的问题,你认为在你最初的虚拟咨询. 我们的医生也会利用这段时间来检查手术的进一步细节, 进行测量, and find the right implant size to fit your body type (if applicable).

The Pre-Surgical 电话 Call

About 两个星期 before your surgery, 您将与我们的临床工作人员通过电话交谈,以确认手术细节,并进一步了解术前和术后护理的细节. Prior to this appointment, we will send you helpful documents that provide more insight into patient care.

我们鼓励患者在手术前打电话之前查看这些文件, so they can ask questions that may arise after these readings.












Every surgery is different from patient to patient. However, some things are the same for everyone! 


On the day of your surgery, 您将到达手术中心进行手术,并与您的整形医生会面,共同审查您的计划. You will leave after your procedure with all of the resources, 材料, and instructions you need for a great recovery!


Surgeries are performed in surgical centers in the Columbus and Dublin areas. All surgeries are outpatient. On the day of the surgery, 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台需要有司机接送他们往返于手术中心.


Our surgeons have privileges to perform surgeries in:

  • 都柏林卫理公会
  • Central Ohio Surgical Center
  • 滨江医院

你的手术中心 会在你手术前一天澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台你,让你知道到达中心的确切时间吗.

Post Surgery: Your Recovery & 你的结果

术后护理是唐纳森整形外科的首要任务之一. 手术后, 我们会让你来办公室进行术后随访,以确保你的康复过程在正确的轨道上. We also have a great clinical staff ready to help with anything along the way.

Instructional Recovery Videos

手术前, your surgical team will review instructions and expectations about recovery, but you may have additional questions along the way. We will periodically email you helpful videos to address concerns, 放轻松, and review what’s normal two days, 五天, 两个星期, and one month after your surgery.

We want to ensure you are clear on expectations, so you can have the best post-op experience possible. 当然, 如果您有更多的问题或疑虑,这里总是有一个很棒的、富有同情心的工作人员.


第一个 Post-Op Appointment

About one week after your surgery, our patients come into the office for their first follow-up appointment. 我们的临床工作人员将评估切口,并确保一切愈合良好. If you have a drain, this is when it will be removed.

这个预约通常是为了解决澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台需要采取的进一步措施,以使他们的术后恢复尽可能顺利. Our clinical staff will advise on further steps involving compression garments, 疼痛管理, 还有其他需要吗?.

Follow-Up Appointment(s)

手术后一个月,你将与我们的临床工作人员再次预约. Similar to your post-op appointment, 他们将确保切口愈合良好,然后讨论疤痕护理.

Three-month Follow-Up Appointment

Dependent on your surgery or healing process, 我们可能会要求你在手术后三个月再来做一次评估. During this appointment, 医生可能会提到为了改善你的结果而进行修改或进一步澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的可能性!


The Graduation Appointment & 你的下一步

During your final follow-up appointment, known as your Patient Graduation, 临床工作人员将进行检查,以确保一切正常. Once we know you love your results, 您还将与我们的外科协调员会面,讨论您的经验,以及我们是否还有其他可以帮助您的地方.

毕业预约通常是我们澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台最后一次手术随访预约, but we are always here for you in the future. If you would like to review results, 有什么问题吗?, or are interested in another treatment, our door is always open! You are always welcome and we are here to help!

Testimonials Tell The Real Story

Our patient testimonials 是一个很好的方式来分享我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在他们的旅程结束时的感受吗. If you’d like to share your experience, 我们很乐意在我们的网站上展示您的观点,让未来的患者对我们的实践有个人的见解. 对于那些通过观看其他澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的感言开始研究的人来说,拍摄感言往往感觉像是一个完整的循环时刻!

