


深入了解Dr. 西弗特手术技术

女整形外科医生. 西弗特在手术室

让我们面对现实. 这不是肤浅的!

Dr. Sieffert is a highly-skilled plastic surgeon who understands that science and beauty are not just skin-deep. 整容手术 整形外科医生是解决面部下垂的最佳工具吗, 但对很多人来说, 升降机只是“仅限皮肤”. 这是一种过于简单的方法——面部解剖是复杂的, and the deep tissues that are responsible for holding your skin in place are also affected by gravity and aging. 的 深层平面拉皮技术, 在唐纳森整形外科进行手术, 不仅处理皮肤层,而且处理底层结构, 使它成为博士. 这是西弗特的首选整容方法!


A deep plane facelift is an advanced surgical facelift procedure designed to tighten the underlying layer of connective tissue beneath the skin known as the SMAS (superficial musculo-aponeurotic system), 同时提升, 隔声材料, 收紧脸颊和下脸的皮肤. 

这个方法是, 毫无疑问, the most effective way to comprehensively correct facial sagging in the mid-to-lower face (more specifically, from the top of the cheekbone to the jawline where the first signs of aging are most likely to appear). Dr. Sieffert 能执行高级深刨吗 男性整容手术 and women who would like to see the most significant and long-lasting improvement in these areas and want the best technique available to refresh their features.

“Deep Plane”这个短语是什么意思? 

想象一下,面部的解剖结构被分成两层,或“平面”.“面部皮肤是最外层, 在它下面是结缔组织和肌肉层,称为SMAS. “深平面”整容意味着作用机制发生在SMAS平面上.


选择深度平面拉皮来纠正与牵线木偶线有关的问题, 鼻唇沟, 还有下巴. 虽然它主要集中在脸颊和下脸, 它通常与脂肪移植相结合,以解决整个面部体积的减少, 还有提颈来修饰下巴, 脖子, 颏下区域(下巴下方). 这种方法没有放之四海而皆准的方法. 您的深平面手术完全可以定制,以满足您的目标和需求.


了解优势 & 深层整容术的缺点


  • 更持久的结果.
    • Deep plane facelifts are proven to have longer-lasting outcomes than traditional facelifts because they manipulate the deeper structures of the face rather than just the skin. Results are considered permanent but they are not impervious to the ongoing effects of aging. 正因为如此,如果保养得当,效果可能持续10年以上. 
  • 自然的感观. 
    • 将深层组织和皮肤组织移到一起可以获得更好的结构效果. A deep plane facelift is much less likely to create a “stretched” or “wind tunnel”-like appearance that could potentially result from just lifting the skin alone. 你还是会看起来像你自己——只是休息得更好!


  • 更长的停机时间和恢复时间.
    • 此澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的停机时间约为两周, 哪一种是最好的放松方式,可以把时间从工作和社交活动中抽出来. 在恢复日常生活之前,你需要这段专门的时间来充分恢复. After two weeks, you may start to resume some of your normal daily activities with some restrictions. 在最初的两周之后,你可能仍然会有残余的瘀伤和肿胀, 但你将能够恢复工作和日常活动.
  • 更密集的手术.
    • 深度平面拉皮是一种复杂的方法,也需要更长的时间来完成, 也就是说在手术室里待的时间更长. 它也比传统的整容手术更具侵入性, 这需要一些额外的考虑.  


在你的手术当天,你将会见医生. Sieffert before surgery to confirm the procedure plan and address any final questions you may have. 然后你会被全身麻醉,这样你在整个过程中会很舒服.

在麻醉下舒适地休息之后, 你的手术小组会准备好手术区域,然后开始手术. Any fat grafting that is indicated will be done first in order to replace lost volume throughout areas such as the temples, 鼻唇沟, 脸颊, 嘴唇, 甚至耳垂. 在颈部提升术的情况下,首先进行颈部提升术. 然后整容就解决了.

Incisions will be made starting at the hairline in front of the ear and will continue down in front of the upper ear, 耳屏后面, 耳垂下, 在耳后的折痕处, 并不同程度地进入耳后发际线. 然后将皮肤从更深的组织上剥离,以获得更大的暴露. 然后, SMAS的一部分被抬起, 去除多余的部分, 更深层次的结构被重新定位.

“我在SMAS中使用了多矢量方法, which means that tissues are moved in multiple directions to give you the most natural-looking results,” Dr. Sieffert解释说.

的 SMAS muscle is secured with permanent sutures so the deep muscle structures help the facelift last. 之后,博士. Sieffert会重新包裹你的皮肤,并在切口处去除多余的皮肤. 皮肤切除后,是时候缝合了. Closure is performed with mostly absorbable sutures, and a few that need to be removed in the office.

手术后, 你将在48小时后来办公室,这样我们可以检查皮肤愈合的质量. 一周后你会回来做下一次随访,拆除所有剩余的缝合线. 然后你会在一个月、三个月甚至更久的时间里定期随访.


Dr. 西弗特以其令人难以置信的自然整容术而闻名,部分原因是 脂肪转移到脸上 经常加上. 的寺庙, 脸颊, 鼻唇沟, 所有的嘴唇都接受了你身体自身脂肪的少量移植 抽脂术 通过一个小切口(通常在腹部). 把脂肪移植和面部拉皮结合起来会让你的结果看起来更自然. 它提供了一个年轻的轮廓,补充深层平面面部拉皮.


面部和颈部是一起衰老的. Sieffert是“一个单一的解剖单位”.  正因为如此,整容手术和 脖子lift 是否经常在一次手术中同时进行. Ignoring aging in the 脖子 can lead to a discordant appearance and may lessen the effects of surgery at the jawline.  在这些联合手术中, the facelift elevates and repositions tissues between the cheek and the jawline and the 脖子lift repositions tissues between the jawline and the collarbones. 


An ideal candidate for a deep plane lift is primarily looking to correct significant signs of aging & 脸部下部皮肤松弛. 通常, this candidate will have visible folds in the skin as a result of volume loss in the 脸颊 and around the mouth. 最常见的投诉导致寻求整容手术是木偶线, 问顶, 下颌轮廓的丧失. 成为一个好的候选人, one will will be in good health and have realistic expectations about the experience and outcomes of surgery. 年龄, 生活方式, and other influences on skin laxity are also important considerations for a deep plane lift. 你的外科医生会帮助你确定深平面技术是否适合你!

也就是说,重要的是要注意存在 没有适合整容的年龄 — everyone ages at a different rate and feels the desire for rejuvenation at different times in life. A younger candidate who has skin laxity to a lesser degree may be best suited for another version of a facelift, 比如迷你整容.


考虑到深度飞机拉皮并不总是为了看起来年轻几十岁, 或者是模仿真人秀明星的欲望. 我们的许多澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台做拉皮手术的原因都是为了优雅地衰老, 更重要的是, 按照他们自己的节奏. 我们知道每个人做整容手术的原因都是独一无二的.

不知道如何用语言表达你的目标? 我们可以在会诊时帮你弄清楚! 


  1. 遵循你的术后指示. You’ll be given instructions for aftercare to help you heal faster and get the best possible results from your procedure.
  2. 再做个眼睑整形、眉部提拉或颈部提拉. 将你的整容手术与美容相结合,你的整体面貌会焕然一新 上眼睑或下眼睑提拉术 (追求) 提眉,或者 脖子上电梯. 接受多种手术的成本效益将在您的咨询期间包括在内.
  3. 最后使用Halo™激光表面修复. 在你的整容手术后接受激光澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网就像给你的面部做最后的润色. 一旦你从手术中痊愈, Halo可以处理纹理, 晒伤, 细纹更小, 皱纹, 和更多的. It will truly highlight your skin’s improved condition and give you a beautiful, radiant glow.
  4. 用医疗级护肤品保持效果. 我们会为你提供最好的教育和 适当的护肤和防晒产品 这将在未来的几年里保存和增加你的结果的寿命!


Dr. 西弗特整容外科医生哥伦布俄亥俄州

的 technique that a plastic surgeon uses is left primarily up to their training and experience, so you will want to research and compare surgeons based on their credentials and comfort in performing the procedure in question. 并不是所有的外科医生都采用深度平面拉皮技术. Asking about your surgeon’s methods and techniques may help you to determine which surgeon(s) you’ll meet with. 在你的咨询过程中,倾听你的外科医生的建议. 虽然整容的决定取决于你, 你应该让他们的经验来帮助指导你的决定.

我们会根据价格来选择(甚至咨询)整容医生. 由于这个特殊澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的性质, facelifts are best left to plastic surgeons known for their commitment to safety and achieving 异常结果.


委员会认证的整形外科医生 你唯一需要研究的外科医生类型是什么. Surgeons who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery are in good medical standing and have met the requirements and standards set out by the ABPS, 整形外科领域的权威. 透明在这里是最重要的-如果你的外科医生没有 验证认证在美国,他们不被认为是经过认证的整形外科医生.


还没做好手术准备? 没有问题! 今天, there are a number of aesthetic solutions that don’t require surgery and can be done right here in our office. 填料, Ultherapy, 激光皮肤修复术, 微针 & 先进的微针与PRP (commonly referred to as the “Vampire Facial”) are all great options for tightening the skin non-surgically, 不需要麻醉也不需要停机或恢复! 

作者简介:博士. 西弗特,你值得信赖的哥伦布整容医生

Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert has perfected her 深层平面拉皮技术 during her tenure at 唐纳森整形外科 and her specialty training at Wright State University’s Division of Plastic & 整形澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台. 着眼于技术上的卓越, 她的使命是激发澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,帮助每一个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台感觉良好. She has taken extensive training to perform advanced plastic surgery techniques such as the deep-plane facelift.



我们欢迎来自中西部各地的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台 & 来参观我们在俄亥俄州哥伦布市的诊所. Our 唐纳森整形外科 Patient Coordinators are here to help you meet with our highly-qualified plastic surgeons and start you on your journey. 今天就打电话给我们澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网要求您自己的个人咨询.