


As Told From The Perspective of an Experienced Female Plastic Surgeon

读也: o型吻能增进亲密关系吗?

而阴道恢复的原则是综合的 在我的外科训练中, my years in residency did not present me with many opportunities for exposure. 直到我开始私人执业 Dr. 唐纳森 that I had the opportunity to observe his technique and integrate vaginal rejuvenation into my own practice. It was only then that I really understood the positive impact a 阴道整型的 can have on a woman’s life.

阴道再生不是一个经常或公开讨论的话题, 我不能因此责怪任何人! Vaginal rejuvenation can be broken down into external procedures (those performed on the labia), 以及内部手术(在阴道上进行的手术).  Here we will be talking about procedures performed externally on the labia majora and minora, 通常被称为“阴唇成形术”的一系列澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 阴唇成形术比大多数人想象的更常见, 大约有12个,每年进行的手术多达000例, 根据美国整形外科学会的说法. 考虑到整形外科医生和妇科医生 阴道整型的, this is likely an underestimate of the total number performed nationwide.


A 阴道整型的 is a plastic surgical procedure that alters the appearance of the labia majora or minora. The most common procedure reduces the length of the inner “lips” (labia minora) to sit within the outer “lips” (labia majora) to create a tucked in appearance. 作为一种流行的阴道恢复疗法, 阴道整型的 can correct cosmetic concerns as well as provide relief of symptoms associated with labial hypertrophy.


  1. Reductive surgery for the thinner inner “lips” (the labia minora) which become hypertrophic or overgrown
  2. Reductive surgery of the thicker and more fleshy outer “lips” (the labia majora) which lose volume and appear deflated
  3. Augmentation surgery of the labia majora when the volume loss is mild


随着对这些澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的认识的增长, more women are seeking vaginal rejuvenation with an increase of 20% in the number of 阴道整型的 procedures performed annually by plastic surgeons between 2015 and 20191

阴唇整形的好处:给你一个更好的选择 & 个人安慰


I encounter women of all ages who struggle with discomfort during 亲密, 锻炼, 或者在使用卫生棉条的时候. 他们还表示很难穿特定的衣服, 对自己的外表感到尴尬, 像这样的问题, “有什么办法可以帮助我吗??、“这正常吗??”.  

首先,让我说,是的! “Normal” spans a wide range of appearances, including having extra skin “down there.” It is very commonplace and doesn’t suggest that there is anything wrong with your anatomy.  第二个, 阴道整型的 is a very straightforward in-office procedure that not only alters appearance but also diminishes the symptoms associated with labial hypertrophy.  Some ladies with labia minora hypertrophy don’t notice or aren’t bothered by the appearance or the presence of symptoms, while others may experience daily disturbances of their activities or desire a rejuvenated appearance. 

The choice to have a 阴道整型的 is an incredibly personal one – and the first step to deciding if it’s right for you is to get educated! 


小阴唇增大的原因有很多, 但大多数情况下,这只是“你的方式”.  在我的实践中最常见, a 阴道整型的 of the labia minora removes extra tissue using a specialized “wedge” or “edge trim” technique, 这两种方法都有优异和一致的效果. 我在咨询澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台时选择最好的技术, 考虑到他们特殊的解剖结构, 个人的欲望, 以及预期的切口恢复.  



The procedure is performed comfortably in our office procedure room under local anesthesia, 其中包括局部麻醉凝胶(保持30分钟, completely removes feeling in the area) and a series of painless injections to ensure your complete comfort. The procedure takes approximately an hour, and you can drive home immediately after.

麻药持续4-6小时, and a prescription of mild pain relievers is used in the first 24-48 hours to maintain comfort. 我要求我的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台避免亲密行为, 卫生棉条使用, 紧身的衣服, 剧烈运动4周, but you can otherwise return to normal activity within 2-3 days of your procedure. Routine incision care is performed 3-4x/day and is straightforward. 

在醒着的时候做手术可能看起来很吓人或很痛苦, 但几乎所有女性都这么说, “这比我想象的要简单得多,”,, “我没有任何感觉!”. I take special care to ensure my patients  are totally satisfied with their comfort during the procedure, 恢复的容易程度, 以及他们的结果. 

大阴唇手术 & 它的好处 

而小阴唇成形术是最常见的, 大阴唇的变化也可以通过阴唇成形术来矫正, including loss of fullness of the labia majora due to weight loss or aging.  当体积损失严重时, 大阴唇看起来就像一个泄气的气球, and a removal procedure similar in nature to the “edge trim” technique for the labia minora is performed to remove excess skin. When the volume loss is mild, the labia majora lose fullness and their youthful appearance. In this case fat can be grafted from the lower abdomen or inner thighs to the labia majora to restore its youthful fullness.  在严重的情况下,这些澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网也可以结合使用.

取决于给你推荐的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 阴道整型的 on the labia majora can be performed in the operating room under twilight sedation, or in our procedure room under local anesthesia with topical numbing cream and a series of numbing injections.


恢复期包括四周避免剧烈活动, 紧身服装, 亲密, and 卫生棉条使用 and may have slightly more associated post-operative discomfort. 虽然比小阴唇手术更复杂, labia majora surgery also leaves women very satisfied with the experience 以及他们的结果! 

的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 & 你应得的安慰 

虽然我们还没有进入 阴道再生的每一个细节, I hope that this brief look into my experience with the life-changing 阴道整型的 procedure gives you the confidence to take the next step in your journey. 在您的咨询期间, 我会花时间讨论更复杂的问题, 当然, 回答你的任何问题. No two women are exactly the same and the techniques used in our practice ensure that you receive beautiful results in our comfortable and safe environment. 



Dr. S